The new studio/gallery is finally finished and I've moved in, though there's still plenty to do before I hold my opening night and weekend portes ouverts in September. My husband is busily constructing me a storage unit for my materials and I'm waiting for the arrival of the special plugs for the walls so I can hang my pictures - hope my artisan friend hasn't forgotten them!
On the writing side I've at last managed to send off my latest novel and will wait with baited breath to hear the result from publisher Hale. It's two years since I had anything with them and, times being how they are these days in the publishing world, they may give me the old negative blue biro.
I'd love to say that I'm writing again in full flood, but right now I'm facing a marathon of painting so I have something new and perhaps more exciting to hang in the new studio, which is big enough to take quite a lot of paintings as well as visitors - I say hopefully.
I'm still clearing out the old camping car, which has done me proud as a workshop for the last couple of years. I shall miss my window on the pond and the distant hillsides, but there are far more advantages in having a proper place, well insulated, good light and electricity. The only thing it's lacking is running water, but then it's not a far step to our kitchen and downstairs bathroom, so I'm not complaining.