We are 'enjoying' the big heat hear in Gascony at the moment with temperatures soaring well over 100F degrees. Yesterday my outside thermometer registered 52C and it was like walking into a hot oven. Too hot to be in the garden or work in my studio, hot in my office even with the fan going full blast - so I took it easy with my two furry buddies lounging together on the settee in the sitting room which is the coolest room in the house, despite facing south. Candy doesn't mind being in the house, but Toby was a bit peeved not to get his early morning walk because it was already too hot for all of us by breakfast. This morning it's just as hot and I'm hoping for some rain and cooler weather soon so that I can complete a very important painting commission - a wedding present with a very odd subject: Two goldfish kissing in a bowl! Apparently, the French see this as a sign of love and happiness. Ah, oui!