29 May 2011

Success and failure!

I've had one or two ups and downs over the last few days.  My writing is showing signs of success with the new novel taking shape and flowing well.  I'm on chapter four already and feeling good about it.  On the painting side I did a rather good portrait in watercolours, but when I moved on to trying my hand at the style of "pointillism" I found it to be rather more difficult than I had imagined, but my first attempt wasn't too bad.  Then I decided to do a second painting in semi-pointillism - a bit on the daub side - and left it a quarter finished in mild disgust.  Now, because it was my preparation for Groupe Chroma's next lesson I have to find something else - because if I can't do it I can hardly expect my pupils to do it (would be horrified if they could - only joking!).

Last night I was taking my essential tablets and one of them stuck to my finger and was flicked across the kitchen right under the nose of Toby, my tiny young Yorkie.  He's very quick on the draw and the tablet disappeared down his throat in one blink of my shocked eyes.  Thank heavens it wasn't my blood pressure tablets, but was an anti-stress tablet - aie!  They don't knock me out, but he only weighs three kilos and me, well, I'm a lot bigger.  Too late to ring the vet and it's Sunday today, so we've been keeping an eye on him and so far, thank heavens, he's not showing any adverse affects.  A bit calmer than usual perhaps...and more obedient - he's actually been playing and passing me his ball without any argument.  Right now he's fast asleep on his cushion, breathing regularly - but then, he's very good at that normally, so I figure there's nothing left to worry about.

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