11 July 2011

A good weekend!

All my weekends tend to be busy with one thing or another, but some stand out as being just a little more than ordinary.  Having been inspired by my tiny writing group here in France [Gascony Writers] I have, after many years been trying my hand at writing short stories.  Short, for me, is not normally an option, but I have managed to turn out three very short stories, so I consider the weekend a bit of a success.  If they get accepted it will be even better, but I'm not holding my breath, just counting them as useful exercises. 

On the art side, I've just sold my lion painting and collected a second commission from the same client - this one really is a personal commission.  Two goldfish in a bowl kissing!  It's to be a wedding gift for my client's daughter and her soon-to-be husband who have chosen orange for the wedding theme and also the goldfish symbol of happiness - and yes, they are French.  I'm really looking forward to painting this commission. 

And here it is!

My client, who happens to be a neighbour of ours, is looking after her future son-in-law's dog.  They had to be away for the day on Saturday, which was a scorching hot day.  I popped in to make sure the dog was okay [it was tied to a tree in their garden] and found the poor creature on a very short cord, having wrapped it several times around the tree. It's two food and water bowls were out of reach and upturned, and the poor dog [a female Boxer with a nice disposition] was calling for help and panting. 
I managed to untangle her, then filld a heavy casserole dish with water and thought she was going to drink it dry in seconds, she was so thirsty.

Yesterday, Toby, my tiny Yorkshire terrier, got out and went to introduce himself to Diana the Boxer [pronounced Dee-anna] and there ensued a great rumpus.  I called to him and amost immediately he came flying through out gates and down our drive, yapping and crying and tumbling in his fear, followed by the Boxer, who was followed by Jacques, our neighbour.  I can laugh at it now, but at the time it was a bit scary as that Boxer could have swallowed Toby in one gulp.  Toby spent the rest of the day barking and howling and rushing up and down the drive and even today he's still on edge.  My neighour says it's l'amour du chien.  Me, I think it's bravado masking blue terror.

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