29 April 2010


It's hard to believe that the "big eat" has happened and is well over. It was an unqualified success, even if I say so myself - with a huge sigh of relief. I would upload a photo of the event, but somehow it refuses to be uploaded, so you'll just have to imagine fitting 24 bums on 24 seats around 4 tables in one room. That dining room is bigger than I thought. It was a superb evening with my art students and their partners and I'm so glad I did it, though I'm swearing never to repeat the performance!

It's five days later and the house is back to normal, but I'm still tired and hurting after a fall last night into my pansies - they were in big terracotta pots and it was a hard landing. The bruising I received is interesting to say the least. Today I was planning to start the final read of my latest novel "The Raging Spirit" set on the wild islands of St Kilda a hundred years ago, but I think I might put that on the Tomorrow shelf and sink in front of the tele instead.

One achievement I have made in the last couple of days is to set up a Yahoo Group called "Writers in France" and I already have a lively membership of half a dozen people, with hopes for more. Future plans for the group? Well, I may organise regular meetings and workshops - it's very much a "watch this space" moment.

Watching the proverbial space really sums up my life when you come to think about it. Good, bad and ugly, the space fillers are fascinating and grist to the mill for a writer.

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