03 February 2012

It's been a while since I entered this cyber room, but time goes whizzing past faster and faster the older you get - and if you don't believe that you are either very young or very bored.  November saw my husband Brian on a wildlife tour of Ethiopia and a visit to his family and friends in the UK. He came back to France at the beginning of December with a bad cold that he couldn't shake off.  This turned out to be a particularly nasty virus, which he generously passed on to me.  Then the surprising news to us and our doctor was the sudden production of a very irregular heartbeat.  This, apparently, was caused by the virus and Brian, who never ails anything, was having to go back and forth between cardiology visits and blood tests.  He has only just got the all clear and, happily, my heart is still beating normally - though my blood pressure is up for no reason at all.  Makes one wonder doesn't it?
Then on Wednesday I took my darling little Candy [miniature Yorkie] to the vet because of what I suspected was a urinary infection.  Turns out she is starting to have kidney malfunction and has spent the last two days in the veterinary hospital on a drip, having Xrays and blood tests.  The vet tells me that all is now well and I can't wait to collect her in about 45 minutes from now.  Toby will be ecstatic to see her again.  He has cried his way through two nights without her and searched the house looking for her.
On the writing side, I've actually done quite a bit of serious work on my first mystery book for children - prompted by my two step-grandchildren who keep asking their mother if they can read one of my books!  Once this book is finished I shall devote all my writing time to my big and most difficult novel to date - The Last Monsoon. I can't wait to get on with it now that I've got my writing mojo back.  In the meantime I have a friend working on what might be my first e-book submission and, of course, my publishers, Robert Hale, are planning to turn my wartime thriller, The Glory Girls, into an e-book - so looking forward to that one.  And more will follow, so watch that e-book space.

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